Warrior Custom Golf Com
FREE golf club offer!, NOT!


Recently I received a FREE trial offer from Warrior Custom Golf com.in order to receive the free clubs, I needed to authorize my CC be billed in the amount of $24.00 shipping "only", to wish I agreed to.

To my horror, my CC has been billed for $429.00, which represents the full amount for a complete set of "Irons", which I never ordered nor agreed to!

After several attempts to contact customer service (either my call was left on hold, or call disconnected) I finally spoke to Mr. Russ King (sales rep) and requested the immediate reversal of all billed charges.in addition, I asked to speak to his immediate supervisor (Ina Johnson). Mr. Johnson, truly demonstrated poor customer service and his refusal to reverse the $429. Oo billed to my CC without my approval.

To protect future consumers of this "free offer" I will file formal complaints with the Sate of CA. BBB, State of TEXAS BBB, TEXAS Attorney General's Office. Thank you for your time. Consumers beware of free offer from "WARRIOR Custom Golf com it is NOT free!!

Company: Warrior Custom Golf Com
Country: USA
State: California
City: Irvine
Address: 15 Mason
Phone: 800600513
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Warrior Custom Golf
Consumer Report

Warrior Custom Golf
Deceptive business practices

Warrior Custom Golf
Deceptive Sales Practices

Warrior Custom Golf (Company)
Warrior Custom Golf Poor Merchandise

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Rip-off! Head games make returning clubs a nightmare

Warrior Custom Golf / golf clubs
Refused refund as promised

Warrior Custom Golf
Ripoff slow prossessing

Warrior Custom Golf
Always Deceptive

Warrior Custom Golf
Deceptive pratices

Warrior Custom Golf