Bookholders ripping off employees and the government

Shops, Products, Services

Book holders is hiring VCU students for $6.25 per hour and telling them they are independent contractors. The stundents are completely under the supervision of Bookholders. They are told what to do, when to show up, what hours to work and so on. This is not an independent contractor but and employee - employer relationship. They are not only ripping the students off but are ripping the government off by not withholding taxes and paying into Social Security for these stundents. This means that they are defrauding every taxpayer in the USA. Beware off them and do not let your child be taken advantage of and yes the IRS will be recieving form SS-8 I just hope they look into their behavior.

Company: Bookholders
Country: USA
Address: 720 West Grace St Richmond, Va
Phone: 8047671699
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Dont buy from them they are ingorant dishonest people
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