W.M. Logline Corp
This company sent me a letter and a check for $1795.33. As i trid to log onto the web site i seen stories of a scam and i showed pics of the same check and letter i had received

Shops, Products, Services

This company sent me an acceptance letter saying that i had been accepted to wor as a mystery shopper with them. Along with the letter was a payroll check for the amount of $1,795.33. The letter instructed me to deposit the check into my own banking accont and wait for it to clear. As soon as it cleared i would be allowed to subtract $350,00 from it for one weeks work. The rest would be kept for shooping purposes. I later seen scams on the website where scams were being made. They said when the checks clear the company takes al the money from your account and somehow you then owe yourbank. I figured it was to good to be true. And of coourse it was.By the way I seen the scam on the companies website.

Company: W.M. Logline Corp
Country: USA
State: Arkansas
City: Bentonville
Address: 702 Bentonville, Arkansas 72716
Phone: 4803891407
Site: loglinecorp.com
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W. M Logline Corp
IDEALAIM.com, LOGLINECORP.com Secret shopper scam/deposit cashiers check/bounces than your left paying the bank back the money

W.M. Logline Corp
Mary White Mystery shopper scam

W.M. Logline Corp
I received in the mail on November 22, a letter and a check for $1,795.33 from this company called W.M. Logline Corp

W M LogLine Corp
Mystery shopper internet scam

W.M. Logline Corp
Major Secret Shopper Ripoff

W.B. Logline Corp
Consumer Report

Reachlocal Marketing
And Consumer Survey Specialists Mystery Shopper Scam

Reachlocal Marketing
Terrible experience

Rapid-profile inc
Apidprofileinc.com mystery shopping, scam, FAKE CHECK!

Consumer Brand Services And Lift-Tech
Elevator Mystery Shopper Scam NY/Ontario