False advertising, rip-off (disappearing bids), and failure to respond to correspondence!

Shops, Products, Services's FAQ and other help pages state that the benefit of DealDash is that customers don't spend money to walk away empty handed. I have spent a good enough amount of money on bids but have yet to win, even using the tactics and tips provided by the site.

Most auctions are filled with phony users who don't outbid each other but, rather, take turns running up the bid amount. These same users do not bid when the auction nears the close.

Additionally, when questions arose, I contacted their support team using the form provided on the site (since no phone number is anywhere to be found) and received the 'we will contact you within 48 hours Monday-Friday' auto-response. However, I have yet to hear from them. They have ample time to repeatedly update their Facebook page with more false advertising and to delete non-flattering (yet truthful) posts but they can't respond to simple inquiries during that time?
Given that we're approaching the holiday season, one would think they'd beef up their servers to preempt the heavy traffic.instead, they reboot servers during the busiest times (weekends, evening) which are, conveniently, the times that they apparently do not respond to support inquiries.

Finally, they deliberately ignore my attempts to communicate with them until the 'Buy It Now' option is no longer available, forcing me to lose all money invested in the bids used on that auction. This is my biggest concern since, even though I disagree with their money-making scam, I'm in this for the long haul to benefit in *some* way from investing in this sham. It's bad business and someone needs to start looking into a class-action lawsuit.

Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York
Address: 1501 Broadway
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DealDash DealDash steals peoples money, had shill bidders/bots, does not have ethical practices

Same old story New York

Same old story New York

Gambling and should be regulated - takes your money and you get nothing SCAM. Ripoff. Didn't ship items. Stole money. Horrible customer support. Visit

Deal Dash
Consumer Report

When it is Closed to new bidders more will pop up

Deal Dash Took money and never sent product, fraudulent, untrustworthy, unreliable

Won, paid, still waiting for shipment and replys
Fraud, non shipment of purchases, no customer support