American Lead Generators
John Watts Lead Fraud, collects money no effort at providing whats promised

Shops, Products, Services

Then end of september I purchase 10 leads for $250. September 23rd a sunday night. I got a phone call from John Watts monday saying the appointments would be set Tue wed and thur. Then he called and said Fri and sat.

I sent several emails and left several messages with no answer. After 5 days he called and said he needed the next week to fill the order again Tue wed and thur - Still nothing. He offered 2 free leads plus refund of whatever appointments were not set. For that Friday.

NO appts / NO REFUND

He then offered to repay the $250 starting Oct 8th at a rate of $50 per week. Strange since I didnt pay HIM in installments. Still no refund.

I contacted Paypal and filed a complaint. After a few he will be shut down, they also requested a copy of the police report. Visa has been notified as well and intends to file with federal agency as this fraud is over $250 (a felony in Va) and is an interstate crime. Theft by deception.

Company: American Lead Generators
Country: USA
State: North Carolina
City: Linwood
Address: 11426 S NC Highway 150
Phone: 3362421690
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American Lead Generators
John Watts No appointments and no refund!

American Lead Generators
Pre-Payed for Leads never fulled the orde

The lead champion
I contracted and paid $350. For ten preset leads in November. After two weeks they had only set two appoint

Annuity Lead Source - John Made
They charged me $1600 for annuity leads that were all fake leads as if taken directly from sales genie

Annunity Lead Solution
Tom Dean - Ted Grindrod contacted me March 07. Promising at least 1 to 2 annunity leads per day in my area. 42 Leads for $1500

John Pohl PC Telemarketing USA Bad lead Provider
PC Telemarketing USA RIP OFF! Leads are horrible, they do not answer calls, do not fill order, and worse... Ellisville, Missouri

Global Inet Marketing
Company offers 2 for 1 special, turns out to be 0 for 1! Ripoff

Reverse Mortgage Leads
Take the $ and run Ripoff

IMonsterLeads, L.L.C
Don't let them take your money! Leads were purchased from them and WE HAVE STILL NOT RECIEVED leads that we PAID FOR 2 months later... They are very unprofessional in the way they conduct themselves!

Telemarketing Sales Leads - - TSLead
Fraudulent Rip off