Paul Sipler
Over priced ripoff mediocre

Shops, Products, Services

Paul Sipler is an overpriced, mediocre body hacker with unprofessional tendencies. The one tattoo that I did recieve from him is very scarred, crooked and looking of that of a lick and stick tattoo out of a 50 cent gum ball machine. (Not to mention there were about 4 or 5 people I didnt know just hanging around, making me feel rather uncomfortable.) and come to find out post-tattoo, he'd been on something the whole time! Nice work.

Company: Paul Sipler
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Tupper Lake
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EZ Tattoo
Never again

E Z Tattoo
They have dirty equipment

Sparrows Tattoo
Avesparrows Tattoosparrows Tattoo i recieved a bad tattoo and did not recieve a refund ripoff

Element Tattoo Supply
Bad quality tattoo needles caused infection broken tattoo machines

Body Details
Tattoo Removal

Ink World Tattoo
Scott (Scotty) Hankins

The Inkwell
They Suck Dont get a Tattoo here

Old World Tattoo
Poor Tattoo Work and wont stand by their work

OSF Tattoo/Mike Swartwood
Merchandise not received

Sandy Feet
Black henna tattoo