Online Business Systems
Herbalife SCAM, taking advantage of desperate folks looking for work

Shops, Products, Services

Online Business Systems is in the business of taking money from people who are desparately seeking income opportunities. This is how parasites work. This is a SCAM of SCAMS. They offer you a RISK FREE informational package for $9.95. Then in the terms and agreements tell you they are not giving your money back. So the fine print allows them to keep your hard earned money.

This is how they make money!!! DO NOT FALL for this company. I don't want to be involved with any company that Frauds the people and you shouldn't either.

We work very hard for the little money we do have and these guys are parasites.

When I tried to send the package back was affronted with the Terms and Agreements saying they were keeping the $9.95 but because it came out of Canada it was $10.28.

I am soo pissed right now. I have to work 1.5 hours to make up for their thievery!

Company: Online Business Systems
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Colorado Springs
Address: 6946 N. Academy Blvd #166
Phone: 18004940985
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