Capital Choice Consumer Credit
Rip Me Off

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Capital Choice Consumer Credit Sent me a pending per approved Platinum Card with 0% interest 1st 12 months.
I sent them a $43.00, for the Rush Delivery Processing Fee.
I recieved a cheap plastic imitation card similar to American Express Card, except the account numbers are not raised on the plastic, there is no phone number on the card, and no hologram.
The card is usless, I can not use it anywhere, I can not locate or call the company that issued the card.

I feel so stupid to have not seen through the scam, I fail to have done my homework, used the internet to see that hundreds of other people have also been ripped off by this company. The people responsible for this must be arrested and thrown in jail.

I am a disabled man, I live on my Social Security, I barely get by as it is, and can not afford to loose money or have it stolen from me by thugs. Perhaps the United States Postal Service should be notified for their fraud and the FBI as I am sure this is a Federal Crime that has been comitted. I will not rest until justice has been done and these people are jailed after seeing so many people being Ripped Off. As a Christian Man, I have one reward that gives me peace.

God will give the souls of people who do crimes like these against their fellow man by casting them into hell with satin into a sea of fire. I pity all the souls that will end up there. You creeps out there who steal from the innocent, I won't feel sorry for you when your crying out in pain for all eternity in pain over my lousy 43 bucks, I hope you think its worth eternity in hell for ripping me off.

Valencia, California

Company: Capital Choice Consumer Credit
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami
Address: 7349 NW 34th Street
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Capital Choice Consumer Credit
Capital choice consumer credit THINKTHEY CAN RIP OFF INNOCENT PEOPLE

Capital Choice Consumer Credit
Capital choice consumer credit ripped me off, i want my money back!

Capital Choice Consumer Credit

Capital Choice Consumer Credit
Capital choice Consumer Credit Rip-Off

Capital Choice Consumer Credit

Capital Choice Comsumer Credit
Capital Choice Consumer Credit Platinum Credit Card is Scam

Capital Choice Consumer Credit
Capital choice consumer is a scam-don't trust them

Capital choice consumer credit
Sent me an offer for capital choice consumer credit platinum card, i payed a $43 fee to reciece it, and never did ripoff

Capital choise consumer credit
Capital choice consumer credit capital choice consumer credit ripoff abused & mistreated ripoff off consumer fraud ripoff

Capital Choice Consumer Credit
RIPOFF CREDIT CARD ONLY GOOD FOR MERCHANDISE consumer fraud ripoff waste of time thieves ripoff business from hell