New Faces Development Center, Inc My family was rip off by this company! Beware

Shops, Products, Services

I signed a 1 year contract with New Faces in March and paid to have my daughter pictures April, New Faces contacted me stating that Children's Place wanted to do a photo shoot with my daughter but they needed me to sign 4 year contract. Of course in all the excitment we signed up because the photo shoot was a few weeks away and they told us my daughter will be paid between $500 to $800 a day.

Well, the week of the photo shoot James, the President, calls saying that it is postponed until the following week, then the following month and now we cannot get in touch with him at all. I call and they tell me he is going to call back or he is not in, most of the time they have an attitude. I just called and the receptionist put me on hold, I called back she had an attitude, and then she hung up.

This company is the biggest scam going!!!

Company: New Faces Development Center, Inc
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Hicksville
Address: 25 Woodbury Road
Phone: 5168224208
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