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Buyer beware - and really, buyer should just avoid all together. City Grid does not deliver on any promises they do not drive people to your business, websites or otherwise. After joining, I could not find us anywhere online although my report showed multiple hits. This is a SCAM. Save your money and dont be another victim to these con artists!

As if not showing up on search engines was not bad enough (because, after all, that's what we were paying for!), our campaign even included inaccurate info, such as wrong zip codes and key words, which supposedly could not be corrected because its auto-generated. This is per the Campaign Manager. The Account Manager was even less helpful after signing on, he was nowhere to be seen or heard from until the ship started sinking and I cancelled the account.

I will be reporting them to the Better Business Bureau because they really need to be shut down.

Instead of wasting your advertising dollars with this scam, I recommend going with a legit organization and one with a proven track record.

Company: CityGrid
Country: USA
State: California
City: Hollywood
Address: California
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City Grid
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City Grid Media
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