Untitled Works
Aka Demmi deceptive fraudulent scam fraud no service and no refund, Internet

Shops, Products, Services

Untitled Works seems to intentionally avoid replying to my emails and voice messages I leave them. When they do email me back, they avoid answering some of my questions.

They did not have to spend a dime to contact me. All they do is email and never phone me. I even had to send them a self addressed stamped envelope for them to mail the literature they had.

I asked them what their toll free number is so I don't have to call their long distance number each time. The long distance number NEVER has a real person answering and it is always a recorded message. They never gave me their toll free number.

They have lame excuses in their emails telling why they don't email or phone back. They said they will call but never do.

They blocked my email address several times and I had to use a different email address to get a hold of them. Their excuse is that it isn't their fault and tell me to try again.

I filed a complaint with BBB of Florida and their response is that they found me a job. They said I had a speech impediment so they cannot put me in that job.

I spoken to this person ONCE on the phone when he picked up during a recorded message I was leaving. He seems to understand me well so why does he say I have a very bad speech impediment in the BBB response?

I gave Untitled Works several chances for them to find me work which they have failed to act upon. I had to re-open the case with the BBB when I was giving them that "second chance".

Their second response was that they found me work three times. They will not refund me the $50US because they said I was playing games and am posting lies about them on the Internet. What I'm describing is the truth.

Vancouver, British Columbia

Company: Untitled Works
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Seffner
Phone: 8136812409
Site: 1801-a wheeler rd - untitledyahoo@aol.com quantummarie@aol.com workplus2@aol.com untitledmsn@aol.com untitleeathlink@aol.com
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Untitled Works
Scam and rip off This company asks for $50 and a contract, then never follow thru with their promises

Untitled Works
Promises to find work from home jobs, sends out an outdated CD and refuses to contact when you inquire ripoff

I placed an order, recieved an email confirmation, then weeks later recieved an email telling me the order had been placed on back order

Grass4sale.com, Also Known As Walkers Landscape, Inc
Failed to deliver the sod I ordered

Tried to steal my money

No response after payment

Real Online Income
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Ecost - Making a camcorder purchase

Quantum Tech at Home - Future Tech at Home
Ripoff, liars, and evil people They are changing their name and are at it again. Seffne