MCI Worldcom Wireless
Won't let you close account. I am at my wits end

Shops, Products, Services

I tried to cancel my wireless account with MCI Worldcom at the end of May when my contract was up.

I tried calling their customer service number but was never able to talk to a human because I always call during high volume periods.

I emailed customer service from thei website but I never got a response. I tried writing letters to customer service and never got a response.

They just continued to bill me. Now six months later they have finally turned my cell phone off but my account is still 6 months past due.

Heir collections department has been calling me and when I explained my situation to them, they told me I need to talk to customer service.

I have fired 4 emails off to them in the last 3 days. They have emailed me back twice but ha ve not even acknowledged my problem.

I am at my wits end and don't know what else to do.

Company: MCI Worldcom Wireless
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York
Address: P.O. Box 5211
Phone: 18668773186
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