Household Movers
Scam, extortion

Shops, Products, Services

Household Movers... Hired to pack up and store belongings. Left numerous things behind, now lost, and did not pack properly, much damage.

I visited warehouse to assess damage, much worse than I thought. Called owner to report damage, as employees were mum and denied.

Owner told me insurance would cover.

Next, I got a bill for over 3000.00. Accused of not paying past invoices. Provided proof, it was ignored.

Next, threatened w 2 wks notice to pay up in full, or they would sell all at auction. Everything I own. Hired a lawyer, 500.00, he could not change the bill, but delayed the auction. Paid 3000.00, bill is now 4600.00.

Kept changing their story on what I owe them.

I provide proof for one thing, and they find another. On and on. Met with them. Useless.

They are still demanding their money/called radio station, told the story 2x, filed a police report, hired a lawyer.
None was effective called home Canada office, no use. They are attempting to rip me off by 1500.00.

As well, they inflated suddenly a storage fee by 30-40 $ in been paying this to date.

Another scam.

Goods are in storage, not being worked out. Will have to go to small claims court. They have me harassed for 8 months.
This is a normally reputable company, who is trying to get out of the error of their move, and have attacked me in return.
I am a single, independent, woman.

Company: Household Movers
Country: USA
State: New Foundland
City: ST John's
Address: Donovan's Industrial
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