Dun & Bradstreet
Hoovers on Line Claims to update their email lists every 30 days Their email lists are many years old!

Shops, Products, Services

In April i contacted D & B / Hoovers on Line to purchase email addresses of bussiness in the Philadelphia area to send markketing material for my company. Thier pricing is expensive, nearly a $1.00 per email address. Thier minimun is $5000.00 for 6000 emails. Well aftering asking the sales representive a lot questions about the quality of their email lists i was assured that Hoovers has the most current email data. They told me that Hoovers updates their email list every 30 days. I made the decission to purchase the minimun, since they wouldn't let me test the data in advcance. I entered into a contact and paid the first 2 installments of 10 at $441.00 each. We started building a list of 1000 emails to test. I was very dissapointed when over 300 of the 1000 emails bounced back being bad email addresses. I immediatly complaind to my sales representitive got alot of lip service form Hoovers. The second list i pulled was around 1200 emails of Presidents of companies in 4 zip codes 19102,19103,19106 and 19107 agian almost 400 returned emails. I startesd researching the returned eamils and found the many of these companies were out of bussiness 3 or 4 years if not longer. D & B / Hoovers does not maintain the data. After the 3 payment to Hoovers i stopped i have been riiped off enough now i have spent $1325.00 for 2200 emails that are wothless.instead of D & B / Hoovers addressing the issues, they want me to continue to pay them for worthless data. I have not intention of paying them another pennie. I have over paid them for what i have recieved. Now they are threating me that they are going to turn my account over a to collection company and to file a law suit. What a way for a big company to treat a customer!

Company: Dun & Bradstreet
Country: USA
Phone: 8773724596
Site: hoovers.com
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Hoovers D&B Hoovers.com is a RIPOFF - very bad data, makes you sign long contracts, poor quality

Hoover's, Inc., a subsidiary of Dun & Bradstreet Hoover's, Inc posting incorrect company information

D&B Company Hoovers is a Ripoff! I signed up for a month to month and was told I could cancel at anytime. Now they say I am locked in for a year!

Www.Hoovers.com false advertise over internet

The List Guy
Don't buy email lists. Its a waste of money. Maryland

Data Depot, DataDepot
I bought their consumer lists to email for business. I used their email software program which is hard to use. A good portion of the leads are bad and the support is horrible

TMONE - Discount-Lists
Watch Out For Them mailing lists, tmone, discount lists, email lists, marketing

Consumer Lifestyles Dr OZ
Consumer Report

Jeremy Gleason and Iscope Digital inc
Iscope Media Sold me bad email data. More than 90% of emails did not even exist. I Paid $625 for worthless service

Data Depot
Data depot, data depot sells bad data! St. Petersburg Florida