Evaluation Solutions, LLC
Evalonline.net Will agree to pay real estate agents for BPO's performed, but NEVER do

Shops, Products, Services

I had done 3 Bpos for Evaluation Solutions in October. I had never received a payment. I called and emailed and received no response.in November They had called me again to do another Bpo. I stated that I would not do the Bpo due to not being paid for the last 3 I had done. Well, of course he said" Oh my, there must have been a glitch in the system because that is not their practice and reassured me it would be straightened right. So, foolish me accepted it, and yes, I never received payment again. I will never do another service for this company. They still call me, and I always say no because you don't pay and they just say"okay". I have heard alot of the same as I stated all over the state of NewYork.

Company: Evaluation Solutions, LLC
Country: USA
Phone: 9042882004
Site: evalonline.com
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Evaluation Solutions
Evalonline.net Evaluation Solutions Doesn't Pay for BPOs

Evaluation Solutions / Evalonline
Evaluation Solutions - Evalonline Richard Camp CPA PA Non-payment For My BPO Services

EValuation Solutions LLC
Evalonline.com eValuation Solutions Does Not Pay Realtors For BPOs

Evaluation Solutions, Jacksonville, Fl
Evaluation Solutions, Evaluation Solutions, BPO company very late in paying

Evaluation Solutions
Non payment multiple bpo assignments

Evaluation Solutions
Bpo Rip off

Evaluation Solutions Or evalonline.com
This company is RIPPING us off, by not paying us for completed BPO'S and banking the $ they get from the banks for our hard work!

Evaluation Solutions Or evalonline.com
Evaluation Solutions Or evalonline.com NEVER RECEIVE PAYMENT for BPOs Jacksonville, Florida

Evaluation Solutions
Provided services was told payment would be within 5-10 days of completion but have not been paid & was told it would sent priority mail but hasn't

Evaluation Solutions Or evalonline.com
Evaluation Solutions Over 4 months and hundreds of dollars and still no payment!