Persian Cats Are Hurt By Human Breeders
Former show cat breeder shares what goes on inside the cat fancy community

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Persian cats are hurt by human breeders Share |. StoryDiscussionPersian cats are hurt by human breeders
Posted: Sunday, March 18 12:00 am |
Dear Dr. Fox My younger sister has two Persian cats who get along fine. My question to you, and to settle an argument with her, is why are their eyes always tearing? She says it comes with the breed, so she washes their faces every day. I think they need veterinary attention they are freaks of nature. N.C., Clayton, Mo.

Dear N.C. This is one of many chronic health problems often seen in purebred cats like Persians. They are not freaks of nature, but freaks of human creation. Their abnormally large heads often mean kittens must be delivered by cesarean section. The smashed face makes breathing difficult.

It also causes susceptibility to respiratory infection and skin problems in the deep facial folds, often compounded by turned-in eyelids, which can lead to corneal ulceration and blindness. A veterinary appointment should be made immediately for these two cats if they have not been for the past six months.

I do not go to cat shows anymore because I get so upset at what I see the breeders doing. Some cat breeds have become deformed through selective breeding. Creating long limbs and narrow heads, hairlessness, folded ears and the extreme Persian face emerging in the exotic shorthair breed. I used to lecture to cat and dog breed clubs on behavior, development, communication and holistic health.

But now I am avoided like the plague because of my strong opposition to what some misguided people, playing God, are doing to alter the genetics and structure of cats and dogs without consideration for animals' health and well-being. I urge all prospective cat owners to adopt from the local shelter, where many purebreds can be found.

The creators of cats with extreme and abnormal traits may love their pets very much but there are so many cats who need homes that one should question buying or breeding any cat, normal and healthy or otherwise.
DrFox Write to: Dr. Michael Fox in care of Universal Uclick, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, Mo. 64106.. Copyright 2012 All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Posted in Dr-fox on Sunday, March 18 12:00 am
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Company: Persian Cats Are Hurt By Human Breeders
Country: USA
State: North Carolina
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