First Data
Credit Card Fraud, Wire Fraud, and Violations of Fair Trades Act

Shops, Products, Services

I setup a Merchant Account for my business with First Data eCommerce. After a few days and processing applications my account was approved. I submitted my customers credit card for a new Air Conditioning system to be installed in their home, and it was approved. This was Friday 4/27. I called my rep Jaime Standage regarding the amount of time that it would take once i batch processed at the end of the day for the funds to be transferred into my account,

So i could notify my customer of when they could expect me to arrive to complete the new system installation. I was told 2 days at the most on turnaround time for processing. I happened to log in to my merchant account to review orders and see if there were any notifications on our account, and was not able to login. So i contacted customer service tonight regarding this, and was told my account was closed.

This being of great concern, i wanted to speak with someone as to why, especially considering they charged my bank account 62.91 earlier that morning for their monthly processing services. Services that up to this point have not been rendered. Finally i was able to reach the 3rd shift supervisor named Jeff. He stated that he wasnt able to see why it was closed but that my customers funds were being held in security... Funny thing is, i never recieved any emails about my account, or my customers funds being held, nor did i get a call from security about this.

I was also told by Jeff that i would not be able to speak with anyone in security until 830 am EST as they were closed. This another problem considering they have a 24 hour service line but security works bankers hours. I have great concerns about this companies practices. This has not only now costed me money for getting no return in exchange, but also is costing my customer. Not just in money but in comfort, because now they have to wait even longer to get their system installed. This company and their represenatives need to be locked the F up!

Company: First Data
Country: USA
State: Arizona
Phone: 18884773611
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First Merchant Services
I got ripped off by this company not once but 4 times!

Merchant Service Center

First Data Credit Card Processing
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First Data, Flagship Merchant Services, Cardservice International Was ripped off electronically 4 times by them. Now that they can't get their hands on my new bank account info they are trying to find anyway possible to keep ripping me off

Flagship Merchant Services
Cancelled account and held funds