George S May Company
George S. May are cash hungry bottom feeders, tried to take my last dime. Chicago Illinois

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Written to the BBB Of Chiago:

How can you promote the George S. May Company? This Company is a complete rip-off. I was almost corsed in to spending 50,000 fo 10 days of service for 3 people to try to come up with ways to implement effective ways to run my business, these people do not have any experience in business management, nor should the be able charge for analyzing my company.

George May Company is a complete rip-off company. You should be ashamed of yourself. They claim to help people who are in need of assistance, but all the do is de-value ones self esteem and demoralize you and the one thing business owners value most, their business. This is a rip-off and there is no other way to look at the situation. They are a bunch of money hungry scavangers who are out to take your businesses last penny. Please do not award this group for unethical practices, they are scum feeders.

I hope that any persons who are thinking of spending just 10,000 think again. The cost for a small organization is around 50,000 payable upon invoice. (At Completion) Take that 50,000 and invest it in your people not with the George S. May Company they have enough.

A little information: When the 3 consultant showed up the were driving 3 rental cars that I was paying for and all stayed in different hotel rooms costing 100.00 per night. I new I was in for an expensive lesson. Heed the warning.

Hope one day you wake upRickColumbus, Ohio

Company: George S May Company
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Address: 303 S. Northwest Hwy., Chiago, IL
Phone: 8478258806
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