Cingular Wireless

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I have just spent about 20 minutes this morning reading the rip off posting and the rebuttals by Cingular Wireless employees. To the rip off posters I understand your frustration and you have a lot of company. Cingular Wireless is ripping off customers and a long tenure does not seem to matter.

Recently, I lost my phone and spent 1 month trying to locate the phone to avoid going through what I knew would be a headache. Even though there were no calls made on my phone during this time the request to have a new phone to keep my services was denied. It seems that they are more interested in you completing your 2-year contract versus keeping you as a customer.

I even suggested that they allow me to renew my contract for 2 additional years the response was okay but at a one-year contact rate. Now, how much sense does that make. I ask for the President address and phone number to be told that they did not have that information and name. Who do you know works for a company and don't know who the President is or where his/her office is located.

Like all of you, I cancel my service with Cingular and went with Sprint and carried my Cingular number with me. I am not saying that Sprint is better, because they are not but I refuse to patronize a company that care so little about their customers. Customers are who make these companies and customers can break these companies. If all customers join together to fight these outrageous fees and incompetent CSR a statement can be made and companies forced to conduct ethical businesses.

We are constantly wondering why USA businesses quality services are poor and unacceptable, that is because we have incompetent managers running the show. I remember when companies believed in their customers and demonstrated their appreciation. I wonder what went wrong and when, I have a theory that it all started when companies begin to place more value in having a MBA's than good qualified employees that has invested years within the organization.

I too worked for the phone company at one time and the individuals that are running the show are the ones making the stupid decisions not Cingular. I am sure that Cingular was created with a vision to grow and be prosperous and not to be the recipient of claims I have been reading today.

I don't know about you, but I hate someone trying to play with my intelligent that brings out the worst in me. I will not pay the fee, I don't care if it is $10 or a $100 it's the principle. I will pay for a service that I receive but I am not in the habit of giving my money away, if I chose to do that it would definitely be to a charitable cause, not to a company who has abused my services. The same incompetent managers that are enforcing these stupid rules are the same ones that would scream the loudest when the table is turned.

Company: Cingular Wireless
Country: USA
State: North Carolina
City: Raleigh
Address: 2624 Vega Court
Phone: 9195701619
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