Pioneer Point Market
Rana Is The Owner ripoff Liars dishonest charging Cusses out customers

Shops, Products, Services

On July 11, My daughter in law entered the Pioneer Point Market with her 9 month old baby in a stroller. Rana (the owner) told her she had to park the stroller at the door. She did and started to take the baby out of the stroller when Rana started yelling at her telling he she was "stupid" telling her that "the customers in Trona are all stupid". He informed her she could not carry the baby into the store and she could leave the baby at the door. She told Rana she was not leaving her baby at the door and Rana started calling her a f — Whore.

My daughter in law went home crying because of the verbal abuse. When she told my son what happened he went to the store to find out why Rana cussed out his wife. Rana came out of the back and started cussing at my son telling him to "F& his family and your mother is a whore, and so is your sisters. Go f& Your family. My son got upset and knocked over a display of pretzes and threw a bag of corn chips. Rana called the sheriff on my son. Rana told the Sheriff that my son had knocked everything off the shelves. Thank the Lord for survalliance cameras, cause the sheriff asked to see the video and it showed that only the pretzes and corn chips were disturbed. The Sheriff also told me that the reason Rana has Video and not Audio is so he can protect himself (there is never proof of Rana cussing out his customers).

On the 12th while I was at work my daughter in law called me and told me what had happened. At what I thought was my break time, I called Pioneer Point Market, a girl answered the phone and I asked who I was speaking to and she told me her name was April (I knew who April was and did not have a problem with her) I identified my self and asked to speak with Rana regarding the incident with my son. She told me Rana was not there but she was there when it happened. She proceeded to tell me that my son walked up and down the isles knocking everything off all the shelves (at this point I thought my daughter in law had not told me the whole story). Then April added that it is because of my daughter in laws mother is why Rana did not want her in the store. I asked what her mother had to do with expecting anyone to leave thier baby at the door while they shopped. April informed me that Rana doesnt trust the girls mother. I asked April to do me a favor and let Rana know that I spend approximately $500 a month in his store and I will not spend another dime there. April started yelling at me on the phone and said "you can call back yourself and tell Rana your f - ing self. I said "What ever" and hung up. Rana Has also cussed out several other customers that live and work in this area.
On the 13th I am informed at work that Rana had called the H.R. Dept and reported that I had called his store and cussed out his employees.

On the 14th Rana called my job again and reported that I had cussed out his employees to the head of the H.R. Dept and my Supervisor.

The Company never once asked me if I had a witness to the conversation or what my side was. I was put on suspension and 3rd step (which is as close to being fired as you can get). I was informed that I am not allowed to use the company phone for personal calls (but 700 other employees have and still do) When I explained that I was on break, I was informed by my supervisor that I work a 12 hour shift and do not get breaks or a lunch since they pay me for 12 hours.

Rana also buys merchandise from Wal-mart and K-mart and marks up the price 300% and sells it in his store.
Warning to all in Trona, California and Passing Through Trona, California You dont want to do business with this store so stop at Texaco when you are in Town.

Company: Pioneer Point Market
Country: USA
State: California
City: Trona
Address: 84508 Trona Rd
Phone: 7603724804
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