Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP
J. Kelly Burnette Partner Harrassment and Ignorance

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My husband and I started to receive these letters for payments 3 years ago. Each letter stated the same vehicle tag number that belonged to us, but was turned into our county when the vechicle was sold. The first few letters were addressed under my husband's name then months later under his bussiness's name and now under some other person's name, but it has our address.

The tag number has remained the same. It has gotten many citations over the past 3 years in a county that we do not live in, nor have we ever lived in, nor do we ever visit. We have contacted the "Clerk of Courts" via mail and phone conversations in that area and our own county. The tag number that keeps reappearing from our vechicle is NOT in service at this time. It wasn't reissued to anyone or anything. So whomever is writing these tickets is dyslectic. We have also called and talked to these so called "lawyers" and with the promise that they would get "IT" straightened out, but as of today nothing has moved forward.

Legally what this company has done to us and our business for over the past 3 years is harrassment. When i had to renew the tags to my personal vechicles i had no problem, but since it was attahed to our business we had a problem. I got it all straightened out and thankfully did not have to pay the extra fee for being late. We have received 20 letters asking for payments of citation tickets that state multiple times and citations ranging from monetary amounts of $50 to over $200.

I will not send this company any money, yes I am smarter then them! I should not have to do their work for them in correcting the error of the ticket taker, court system and their para legals in locating this tag, person, and vechicle. May it be a scam or something totally different, the next time I get a letter Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson LLP you will be talking with my lawyer with Harrassment Charges and I don't settle out of court.

Company: Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami
Address: PO Box 01-1861
Phone: 18662091146
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