BEWARE of PowerScore's scam course

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My PowerScore Full-Length LSAT course was held in San Jose, and ran from October 10 to November 30. The class took place in a cold and windowless conference room, in a loud hotel that permitted indoor smoking.

My instructor, Ty, had never been to law school, and routinely used his laptop and cellphone for personal use during class time.

Although I attended every class and did all the homework, my score did not increase.

That is because my course was a disaster. Some of the problems:

1. Disruptive Noise 2 out of 4 practice tests were continuously interrupted by noise. This noise went on for the entire test in both instances. People yelled outside, loud pop music blared, people whistled up and down the hall, children screamed. These are just some of the disruptions. During the second test, an unsupervised child hockey team played right next door to my testing room. Although the entire class complained about them, neither my instructor nor his replacement did something about the noise.

In response to complaints, my instructor, Ty, actually made jokes and laughed at our concerns. No refunds or make-up classes were offered for the two out of four tests.

2. Course Material Not Covered My instructor waited until the last day of class to announce that he didn't cover all the material. He did not answer which material he left out, but vaguely suggested students "revisit" older chapters. PowerScore still claims no material was missed, even though my instructor admitted otherwise.

3. Unannounced room changes. PowerScore's Enrollment Agreement says PowerScore must notify you of any class changes. My class changed location at least three times, and I was never notified. Not by phone, not by e-mail, not on their website. Before then, the only time they contacted me was to sell me additional products. PowerScore still denies they violated their Agreement.

4. Freezing Cold Classroom The temperature in PowerScore's tiny, windowless conference room was less than 63 degrees Fahrenheit. The room had no adjustable thermostat, and was much colder than the hotel lobby. My instructor, Ty, would not change the temperature— even after people complained."

Customer service is slow and unresponsive. They do not value their own Enrollment Agreement, and deny my complaint. They will not offer me even a partial refund!

BEWARE of PowerScore's scam course!

Company: PowerScore
Country: USA
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