Watch your cell phone statements! Internet

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I saw that my cell phone bill was too much one month. This phone number I didn't recognize charged me $9.99 for a subscription. According to my cellular phone customer service, the charge was removed, but said I had to have entered a pin on a website in order to get the service. I know I did not do this.

I called this company customer service and it was a recording saying, in order to get faster service and response, to email their customer service.

I did this telling them in my email that I did not text, call or enter any information onto any website to get their service. I demanded someone to call me about this. I only received an email back saying that my subscription has been removed and I will not receive any more texts.

I have emailed them every week since Feb 28th asking them how they got my number and automatically used it and charged me. They have yet to answer.

My recent email to them states that I have reported them the BBB.

Is this what companies are doing with their time now? They stole my number and used it without my consent. This so-called "company" and it's owner should be put out of business and refused any other opportunities of starting another business.

Country: USA
Phone: 8669251826
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