Quick Telecom
Robert Bird Beware

Shops, Products, Services

Beware of Robert Bird. Quick Telecom. This company and this individual are nothing but a Liars. Quick Telecom could not even be found under the state of VA. To obtain a valid Tax ID to submit legal docs or a 1099 for work he did do for us until we fired him. We made the mistake of using Robert Bird. Quick Telecom. Robert Bird has made sexual harassing comments about my female staff who are willing to take the stand about it in court. We have learned the hard way on this company folks and felt a warning was needed to the public. He is a Drunk and has been fired from other companies because of it. Quick Telecom fabricates times he has spent on jobs you may have used him on, mis-represents skill sets of telecommunication knowledge they can work on, and a compulsive liar. We have been in business 20 years, we have 400 solid vendors out there and unfortunately it takes a lesson like this to find and validate the good companies. Please don't make the mistake we made. I would never have thought i would even waste time with a post like this but felt compelled it's time to change this industry and remove these Cons. These types of companies do not deserve to be in this business. Feel free to contact me directly for proof and any conversations regarding this company, myself, my company, my history, my awards in this industry, etc. My name: Steve Davis 404-597-087. After 20 years running successful companies, never Bankrupt, and solid relationships that i will gladly mention with the top fortune 500 companies I am ready to back up all of my facts, discuss Quick Telecom, Robert Bird, and go to whatever level it takes to stop people like this from doing business and ever having any company deal with such a Con-Artist like we did.

Company: Quick Telecom
Country: USA
State: Virginia
City: Sterling
Address: 21606 Cedar Lane, Suite 100
Phone: 8003806991
Site: telecomquick.com
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