OAN - ACI And Teleseven
Ripoff - fake billing for 10-10-21 information service

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In June I recieved a bill that included two directory assistance calls to a Las Vegas number that for a non-existant 800 number. Total Charges $7.03 I called ACI billing services and was informed that someone had used my phone to access a discontinued 800 number, I asked why would someone do it not once but twice in five minutes... No answser... They agreed to issue a credit (not done as of yet) and block the number being call. All in all not an unpleasant experience... So far...

Today I opened my bill and again charges for the same... This time on behalf of OAN (ACI is the parent company) and Teleseven, LLC. After waiting 40 minutes I was connected to a very rude and abusive person... She proceeded to call me a liar when I told her that no one here had made the calls. After being insulted I informed her that I was recording the conversation... She became a bit more responsive... I found out that ACI is the parent company of OAN and that Teleseven, LLC is also an affiliate... How do I report this ripoff to the SEC or Utilities Commission?

Company: OAN - ACI And Teleseven
Country: USA
Phone: 8009449646
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Qwest And Teleseven
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Qwest And Teleseven LLC
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Qwest - OAN - Teleseven
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Through OAN, Operator Assistance Network, Spurious Billing

Qwest And Teleseven OAN Services
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Ripoff fraudulant billing inside of my regular SBC telephone bill