C. R England

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I have been sitting here reading other reports and rebuttal's from people that lived the experance of C. R England, Inc. I only wish I had seen the usacomplaints.com 2 years ago.

My husband went to C. R England, Inc. To get his CDL's and was supposed to come home to get a local job, but he let his trainer talk him into working toward the Nestle run that he was on. My husband was running all of the time but not making any money to live on. He kept telling me that C. R England, Inc. Was taking the money for lumper's, toll's, and scaling out loads out of his check. He said they were telling him that he was giving them the wrong numbers, or not sending them the right paper work that they needed to pay him. They even took money for repairs of one of there trailers. And as another man said they even refused to pay him for 3 trips saying that they did not get his trip pack. But he did get that because he had made copies of every trip and was able to fax them the copies.

After 6 mths. With C. R England, Inc. He got on a Logistic run, but he had to talk to someone and promise that he would forget all of the money they had ripped him off for. We had figured it up at about $6,000.00. I kept asking my husband to come home, but he kept telling me that his trainer was going to get him on the Nestle. Once he was on the Nestle he would be under a different payroll dept. And with a good acct. Manager.

Once he was on the Logistic run he wanted me to pack-up everything and come on the road with him. He had been on the road for 7 mths. Now and he had only been home twice for four days at a time. I missed my husband, and it was clear that he was going to go all the way threw with what he was doing. So after 2 mths. He got on the Nestle run and was waiting for me.

In Dec. He came home to get me. I had set up to start C. R England, Inc. School Jan. 14, but we thought that it would be good for me to ride with him so I would have a heads up on how things work. I am sure it did help me for that mth. It was tight with 3 people on the truck, but sirmic was nice, clean and helped me a lot too.

I did see a few people leave in the first couple of weeks, but our class stayed large. We had 3 people in each truck and the instructor. I did have alot of trouble with backing and my grades were not as high as they could have been, but all I wanted was to get threw it. My instructor (Kelly) was very helpful. I really got lucky because I have seen only 2 instructors at the Salt Lake City yard that I beleive were good and wanted to help people that wanted to learn. I graduated 01/31 and got my first load assignment 02/02.

My trouble started when I had a accident in Feb. And had to go threw a driving test. The guy testing me was someone I had meet while in school. He was a driver then, but was now doing driving test. He was very friendly until he found out my husband would be training me, then I didn't see him everywhere I went.

When I went to meet him in front of the main building he was on the phone. When he finished what he was doing he came to me with a big smile and asked what was going on. I pulled out the paper work for the test and his smile left. He said "oh your here for a road test." As he walked back to his truck he said "let me finish with this guy". Then he said" I'll get you." And he did... He gave me a auto fail saying I was a danger on the road and that it was clear my husband was doing all of the driving. I'm sorry but we were driving the 80 from Ut. To Oh., back to Ut then to S.C. We were getting 6200 miles a week in ice and heavy snow. Nobody could do all that solo.

I had to go out 2 more weeks then try to get my solo up grade. Payroll had been over paying my husband and not paying me anything. They said when I up graded it would clear everything up. And it did. But it took me a mth. To get it. David had his friend Bubba give me a auto fail too. When my husband finally got to Mr England and he had Doug Mills test me. Mr Mills said he didn't understand why I had been failed. He gave me a 92 and said to go let my training cordinator know. She told me that Nate Hatch over safty had spoke with Mr Mills and that Mr Mills thought that I lacked self confidence and needed to go back on the road for acouple more weeks training. (I did have a lack of confidence, but not in myself.)

When I came back for up grade Mr Mills had me take my backing test again (I had passed it 2 wks. Earlier with 2 pull ups on the driving range) and do my road test again. I passed both with a 96.

But even after I got my up grade things kept getting worse. Our miles started dropping. My acct. Manager said that her bosses were making her push her drivers getting mile to do the lease and if they didn't do the lease she had to cut the miles and give them to a leaser. So she would only give us a full week once a mth. We went from the 6200 miles to 4800 miles average.

Then it came to Oct. When we had a blow up with our acct. Manager. She even called my cell phone and because I was out of range she cussed me out on my answering service. (I do have it on tape.) A week later my husband and I were pulled for a randem drug test. Out of her fleet of 53 teams the only 3 people pulled were my husband, another girl that was involved in what happened with our acct. Manager and myself.

The test was done with people coming and going in and out of the room and she tested 5 people at the same time. She had everyone sign the lables before the test was given, she unpackaged 3 test and laid them all out at the same time and the list goes on. I failed the test... I couldn't beleive what was going on. I just knew I had been set up, so I went for a private test as soon as I got to S. C and our drop was made. But it was due to meds. I had been given at the hosp. And I had informed them about those meds. With a letter from the hosp. At the time the test was given in Ut. Mr Larry Luke gave me 15 mins. To have a form faxed to me, sign it and have it back to them or my husband was to put me off the truck in the mtns. Of Tn.

I proved (on paper) that the test was done wrong to the lab the processed the test. When I finally got back to Ut. I even spoke with Mr William England (I have his phone number) but my husband spoke with Larry Jones. Mr Jones said that he knew I had gotten off on a techicality. He believed that I had smoked dope and he would not rehire me because it was his job to protect C. R England. Mr William England agreed to check on my situation, but said that he would have to let Mr Jones have the final word on the matter.

If I had been with C. R England, Inc. For 2 more mths. My loan for their school was supposed to be paid off and my husband would be reinburst his $1600.00 he had paid cash if he had been there 3 more mths. For his 2 years with them. Now I can't get a job and I have a $195.00 payment to make.

I would like to get some names of people that have failed a drug test with C. R England, Inc. And been reinstated and names of women that have been mistreated by them. I am going to file a law suite and have alot of information for my case. I would be more then happy to help anyone else that has been mistreated by this company too.

Also as for the other reports. Cussing does not help. I know you are HURT by what has happened to you. But cussing only makes you look bad. C. R England, Inc. Has a lot of lawyers working for them. They have a lot of money and pull. I really wonder if they hire every lawyer that beats them in a case. They carry themselves as professionals and they are. They have learned how to take your money. Their turnover is over 200% so when they take your truck from you they have someone else to take after you go. You have to learn their game so you can beat them at it, but don't turn into one of them.

Good luck to anyone and everyone that has had the misfortune of running into C. R England, Inc. Or any other company that works like them. If you can help me with any info. About C. R England, Inc. Or if I can help you in any way, please fill free to contact me by using the rebuttal box below.

Company: C. R England
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: Salt Lake City
Address: 4701 West 2100 South
Phone: 8008971801
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C.R. England
C. R England is a discriminating company ripoff

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