Thomas Lee Simpson
Southern Carolina Realty fraud money laundering felon life imprinsonment rape kidnapping assault

Shops, Products, Services

Thomas Lee Simpson posts ads on craigslist to help you buy a home with bad credit and low down payments. Thomas Lee Simpson gets loans in your name from private people. These people turned out to be dealers of stolen goods and drugs. Yopu must use Southern Carolina Realtywhether you have another or not. Southern carolina agent abbatiello covers the deal. They use young girls to traffic laundered money. They almost took my families money after an insurance settlement until my nephew found this link and researched. Http://law. upon a background check they found thomas Lee Simpson was convicted and sentenced to a term of his life without parole for kidnapping, rape, assault and molesting a young girl. He was released in 2009 for medical reasons. Thomas Lee Simpson is a dangerous man running a very believable scam with broker abbatiello of southern carolina. This man is a threat to our society and should be placed back in prison. We are very glad my nephew ran a background check and highly recommend everyone do the same when investing money.

Company: Thomas Lee Simpson
Country: USA
State: North Carolina
City: Locust
Address: 209 W Main St
Phone: 7047969666
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