Fright Handles Inc, Michelle Avery
FHI LLC I was threatened by this women

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My experience with this company and women may be worse than the report I read. She made a threat to hurt me. I work for the company still but may not for very much longer. First of all this isn't a trucking company or this part isn't. It is a merchandising company and we go into grocery stores to work. I have experience in this and do a good job.

One day a month maybe 2 I was working when out of the blue this woman started in on me. I didn't know who she was or what she was talking about and when I asked a question to find out, she went off on me. Screamed at me and said she was the district mgr. And I needed to do what ever she said.

My problem was I didn't know what she said, she was so rude and screaming that I didn't understand. I asked her to not talk to me like she was then that set her off more. She then threatened to send her husband to take care of me. What the f... Is that. How does someone act like that.

Right after that happened she stated in on me all the time. She took work away from me, told me she didn't have any thing for me. I had had no problems working before that happened. Ever since then my work has been cut and I can't keep doing this. I need my money and she has made it hard to work and now I have to look for something else to be able to pay my bills.

What kind of boss makes a threat to hurt some one. Boy shes weird but thats scary and I still don't know if he will come track me down. I have talked to the police and they want me to do a report on her. I am already scared about my job so I don't know what would happen if I did that. This woman is total wacko.

Company: Fright Handles Inc, Michelle Avery
Country: USA
State: North Carolina
Phone: 9195523157
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