UNS Forwarding Inc
For this job you should remain at your house during post service working hours, at times you will have to accept parcels, addressed to our clients, i.E. With their name on the label

Shops, Products, Services

Was sent an email explaining what you will be doing and how you will be paid.
I was sent emails on packages that would be sent to my address from other people using my address.
I would open the package to pull out any package slip that was in the box than tape it back up.
I would be sent a USPS packing slip that was paid for the sender. Drive to the post office to send out the package. Get a receipt. Come home scan the pkg slip and receipt to an email address.

Doing this i would be paid $2100 a month and $10 for every box i sent out. Was never paid for it.

Company: UNS Forwarding Inc
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Atlanta
Address: 52 Walton St NW Ste 212
Phone: 4044966639
Site: unsforwarding.com
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