Maria duval destinty research center
Destint research center deceptive person who preys on those who are in need, or have a faith in good people WHO do have an inner sight

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I know some would think i m gulliable to put faith in an inner sight but there is truth if youbelive. The point is THIS WOMAN, does just that rips ppl off, weather your intelligent, need, there are many who are in need of help and HOPE that maybe, this will HELP, we dont belive all of it and would be happy with some of what was suppost to happen, BUT, to burn us with falsehood, and TAKE our money! That is soooo wrong on so many levels. Not getting the jewlery, is just an added insult to injury. Double insult. I WANT MY $ BACK!!! I want her CENTER closed. Put an end to her, ripping ppl off.

Company: Maria duval destinty research center
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Sparks
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Destiny Research Center
I DO NOT believe Maria Duval is associated with Destiny Research Cente

Destiny Research Center
Maria Duval Never received my order. Never got a response from Maria Duval or Destiny Research center. Big Ripoff!

Destiny Research Center - Maria Duval

Maria duval
A K A Destiny Research Center RIPOFF FORTUNE TELLER

Destiny research center
Maria duval con me into $25.00 and wanting another $45.00 for a wishing cord

Destiny Research Cente
Maria Duval - she sent more offers and ask me for more money if I don't send more I don't received my ring

Destiny Research Center - Maria Duval
Consumer Report

Maria Duval - Destiny Research Center
Maria Duvalmaria Duval - Destiny Research Center same as all the other reports except i read your website thank goodness got my money order back from local post office!

Destiny Research Cente
They did not send the ring

Destiny Research Center - Maria Duval
Consumer Report