Target Corporation
Ripoff When Target Employess chase away all the honest customers what's left?

Shops, Products, Services

Target appears intent on becoming the #1 retail giant, however, there approach is to do so at the expense of the consumer.

If they drive away all the honest, law-abiding customers what will they be left with? The answer is obvious and their future is not difficult to predict.

They can open 100 new stores a year, but if they don't do some damage control soon RE: the groundswell of dissatisfied consumers then it will be all for nothing. The attitude of the average Target employee is quite evident when you read their responses to complaints. They are miserable human beings trying desperately to convince themselves that they have a "great job", that is perhaps the only thing that gets them through the day, this false ideal and their personal mantra: "the patron is scum".

Go to your neighborhood Target store and proceed to the garden department and ask for help with a heavy item. You will wait and wait and wait and if and when someone does ever show up it will be one of the following: a scrawny teenage kid, an elderly person or someone too obese to be capable of tying their shoes. Its the truth... Check it out!

The question is why would anyone shop there? Low-prices, that's the obvious answer, but are they really as low as they lead everyone to believe? Sometimes yes, more often not. They use their weekly ad as a draw, but then when you get to the store they're are "out-of-stock" or there is a inferior brand being offered. Target is not the only purveyor of this wicked and deceptive practice but they have been doing it for as long as I can sales parlance it's called the "bait n' switch".

Someday, and I hope its soon, the country will take notice of these greedy corporate slimeballs and take them down just like Enron and all those other corporate fatcats living their lives like they're some kind of Emperors of the Realm.

In reality they're nothing but opportunistic profiteers just out to make a buck and masquerading as decent human beings. They're not, they're wolves in sheeps clothes. They discriminate against the disabled, they do NOT support this countries troops or its veterans, and they utilize sweatshop labor. Its all a matter of record..."check it out".

Company: Target Corporation
Country: USA
State: Minnesota
City: Twin Cities
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