Ultimate Business Services
Liars, Cheats and Thieves. Promise everything and give nothing

Shops, Products, Services

Absolutly the biggest scam out there. I have no one to blame but me!!!

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Dont be fooled by the big office and big smiles. I saw the reports on this site and was told by Robert Hammond the owner of Ultimate Business Services that complaint is a scam. Robert Hammond said that complaint owns another company that will take down any bad reports for a fee and that all of the postings were just a ploy to get him to pay them. WRONG!!! They are all true. Robert Hammond (owner), Nick Baki (President), and the District Managers have one favorite 4 letter word, NEXT!!! All they want is to have you work for 3 or 4 weeks so they can go behind you and close the deals you started.

NOTE from complaint = (Read this link below to see why what was allegedly stated about complaint above
is not true.)


Company: Ultimate Business Services
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Deerfield Beach
Address: 700 West Hillsboro Blvd
Phone: 8008057084
Site: ultimatebusinessservices.com
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PageRemovalService.com Compliment
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Hammond Screens Enterprises
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PageRemovalService.com Page Removal Service
Pageremovalservice.com Compliments

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