Gamett and King
Shawn King, Jared Shafer Gamett and King embezzle senior accounts for Jared Shafe

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Im a past employee of Jared E Shafer Las Vegas former public guardian from 1979 through 2001 I joined Mr. Shafer after leaving college. Over the years I personally witnessed Mr. Shafer stealing from accounts of his court assigned wards who were old, sick, and disabled. Mr. Shafer was enabled by Shawn King of Gamett and King, a Las Vegas Certified Public Accounting firm who places their stamp of approval on Jared Shafers unlawful activities against senior citizens. One case I want to share with you has been bothering me for three years.

Jared Shafer took over the guardianship of Nyta Mclintock in 2004 after she was diagnosed with dementia. Nyta had a disabled son who was crippled with muscular dystrophy. Nyta and her son were very close. Nyta was her sons life and her son depended on her for his existence. Nyta had money, enough to stay in her home and be taken care of with employment of care givers. Her son could have benefited from his mothers savings. Shawn king was their accountant. When Nyta became ill Shawn let my boss know a tasty senior prize was available for the taking.

When Jared Shafer assumed his responsibilities he said to both mother and son you will not be together. Two handicapped people living in the same house is a big Burdon and as your guardian I will not have this. Mother and son objected, but my boss, Jared Shafer told them to man up and keep their stupid mouths shut. A relative of the family hired an attorney to fight Mr. Shafer. During the proceedings Shawn King of Gamett and King reported to the court the money Nyta had in her trust was lost. It appeared someone had placed Nytas securities on margin through a mysterious set of guardianship orders and withdrew large amounts of money from the family trust. Jared Shafer removed mother and son from their home and sold the house. Both of them were placed in substandard care facilities, which had numerous health department violations. The son killed himself on November 10 and within two months Nyta died of starvation.

Claire Shafer received a large amount of money from Shawn King, which they said came from her uncle, but when I saw the records, which showed this money to be from the sale of the same securities Nyta had owned my suspicions were aroused.
I have reported Jared Shafer and Shawn King to the Las Vegas police, the Nevada attorney General, the Las Vegas FBI, Social Security, and the Securities and Exchange Commission. All agencies turn a blind eye to cases involving Guardian abuse. Shawn King constantly meets with Jared Shafer. Shawn and Jared settled a securities fraud case in the federal court of Utah in 2008 involving the sale of securities without a license. These securities went bankrupt. Both Shawn king and Jared Shafer knew the securities were in danger of failure when they sold them to seniors who were looking for extra income. Shawn told the senior investors the securities were as safe as United States savings bonds. Shawn has told me that his accounting practice wouldnt exist without the help of Jared Shafer.
Guardian abuse is now at epidemic levels throughout the country with Nevada leading all states. Failure to regulate and enforce guardian regulations are the cause of this abuse. The attorney general Ms. Masdoe owes her position to Jared Shafer through a friendship Shafer had with her father. As such she will not defend any senior who falls victim to Jared Shafer. This is a direct policy of her office. Ms. Masdoes behavior is understandable, according to a Los Angeles times reporter, Ashley Powers Masdoes house is under mortgage water. She needs Jared Shafer to bail her out of debt. It is widely known throughout federal law enforcement Nevada operates on the good old boy network. Close to 100% of elected and non elected officials in Nevada owe their positions to friendships or political connections. The Los Angeles times article in 2006 entitled Juice for Justice called Nevadas legal system a pay to play fiasco. The times article wrote about the criminal courts, it would be very interesting to read what they write about the Las Vegas family court.
The group of individuals in charge of protecting seniors in Nevada managed by Jared Shafer makes their living by harming senior citizens. The groups relationship with each other is incestuous, especially in the way they protect each other from unlawful actions the group members commit against seniors. Lying, stealing, submitting false documents, bribing judges, threatening family members, and embezzlement of funds are normal daily activities for this horrible group of degenerates.
I will continue to report their activities and post to all forums. Someone will eventually listen and take action to stop the deaths and abuse of countless innocent seniors.

Company: Gamett and King
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Henderson
Address: 2600 Paseo Verde Parkway
Phone: 7024331040
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