New England Crafters
Magical Gift Company Phony business opportunity

Shops, Products, Services

The New England Crafters and Magical Gift Company is full of empty promises with numerous inconsistencies with its business policies and practices. This company advertises on seeking employees to assembly its crafts from home for pay. The company initially wants a $49.95 investment from the perspective employee for the craft project of choice. The unsuspecting person will then be told that after approval of the craft project the initial investment will be reimbursed following 250 approved craft projects. This number quickly changes to 1000 approved pieces. With each project sent in for approval it will take from one week to six weeks to receive the project back with comments. The craft instructions are evasive and very misleading setting the individual up for failure from the start. Each inspected piece received back also contains misleading and evasive information as to what is exactly wrong with the piece. The inspector never states how or what to improve to meet inspection satisfaction.

Initially the perspective crafter is told that once approved, any projects received on or before Wednesday of the week will elicit a check and new supplies sent the following Monday. This informatin quickly changes to two-three weeks, or more, when supplies permit. Takes two-three weeks to receive a check for approved work submitted. The initial info also states that once approved a 10-pack is sent with an increase of a 50-pack each time for assembly; however, the second shipment of supplies will only contain a 10-pack. When asked why the response is "I don't know, the owner decides who gets what."

This company will string the perspcetive crafter out for several months with no possibility of ever making an income. Do not send this company any money unless you have nothing better to do with your time and money and like disappointment after disappointment.

Company: New England Crafters
Country: USA
State: Connecticut
City: Torrington
Address: 38 Main Street
Phone: 8604823955
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