Universal Banner Network
Ripoff, they take your money and then can not be reached, will not respond to e-mails

Shops, Products, Services

After signing up March 30 to the getestore program, I have yet to see my storefront. I can log into my adminisration area but this area does not work. After sending several e-mails I have decided that these people either do not exist or they just don't care since they have my money. I feel like that even if I had been set up like promised, then they would only ruin my reputation by not shipping to the customer like they should.

I am reporting this to try to save other people from being ripped off like me! As far as collecting my money back, no luck as of yet. PLEASE avoid this company!!

Company: Universal Banner Network
Country: USA
State: California
Address: 7095 HOLLYWOOD BLVD. #772
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GetSstore.com - Universal Banner Network
GetSstore.com Aka Universal Banner Network Rip-off Company! They Don't Pay Out Commissions To E-store Owners!

Universal Banner Network - GetEstore.com
GETESTORE.com aka Universal Banner Network will not respond to communications attempts on product not received. Rip-off!

Universal Banner Network - getestore.com
Universal Banner Network/Getestore.com ripoff

Universal Banner Network, Getestore.com
Ripoff, cannot be reached internet

Universal Banner Network - getestore.com
Universal Banner Network - Getestore.com Ripoff delivered only half of orde

Getestore Aka Universal Banner Network
Ripoff: unauthorised credit card charges

Universal Banner Getestore
Ripoff took money never had use of store lied about getting it going for me. Los Angeles California

Universal Banner Network - Getedeals - Getestore
EStore Service Ripoff

Universal Banner Network, Getestore
Ripoff, scam artists, cons, thieves, etc

Universal Banner Network
Fraudulent money making business gets people by sending you fake e-mails and receipts without enabling to contact them if you dislike their contents ripoff