This company is a fraud!

Shops, Products, Services

This company, along with several others operation from the same domain, is nothing but a well-dressed sham. Although the website is very well designed, and communication is great until they get your money, you get nothing in return. They encourage you to pay with untraceable funds, citing customs and other concerns. When you do, the money vanishes and all contact is cut off.

They apparently operate under one name for a while, then shut down and re-emerge as another service offering ID services. Clever, but nothing but well-dressed theft. If time permits, perhaps a trip to China later this year would right many wrongs. Stay away from any such businesses.

Country: USA
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If you send them money, you'll see no products. Website is a front. You pay for your order. Later they'll say you owe customs money. If you pay the money, as we did, then they say customs dam

Mega Lottery Winner Using Unknown Phone Number 1-876-872-4803
Consumer Report

Virginia Personnel
Takes your money to find you jobs in the newspaper!

ABC Mold Removal
Stole domain name from our company to trick customers, subcontracts work to another company but portrays work as their own

Domain Maniac
Refuse to return phone calls and refund money
Consumer Report

Fusin, Inc
Universal Media Direct - Top Flight Marketing BEWARE TOTAL SCAM NOT A JOB!

Domain Registry of America
Preys on uninformed domain users

Domain Registry Of America
Brandon gray internet services inc. (dba "") Domain renewal service rip off, domain renewal, domain scam, over priced domain services

Quality Paperback Book Club
Qpb fraud, sucks, theft, Internet