DFW Door Hangers
Mike Hill Fictitious business address, false information

Shops, Products, Services

DFW Doorhangers and Mike Hill are doing business behind a fictitious address. Mike Hill claims DFW Door Hangers operates at 1975 Ballpark Way in Arlington, Texas. This location is the street address of a USPS facility in which Mike Hill and DFW Door Hangers have no box or connection. However, this is the business address listed on correspondence from Mike Hill and DFW Door Hangers. Mike Hill and DFW Door Hangers have no payment options on their website for paying online, and payment can not be mailed to them since their business address is unknown and never given out.

Mike Hill poses as someone else when he comes to you directly to pick up a check made out to DFW Door Hangers. He promptly goes to your bank and cashes the check with his signature on the back after posing to be someone else. This practice allows Mike Hill to escape any official paperwork you need to give him in order to report to the state or federal authorities any income. If you owe state sales tax, that money is included with the check Mike Hill just cashed. That cash is supposedly used to hire "day laborers" to deliver fliers door to door. Who is accountable for taxes?

Once Mike Hill and DFW Door Hangers has your money, it is questionable whether anything is delivered door to door because there is little or no response from the ad campaign. The so called tracking reports are so tiny, they can not be read.

Mike Hill of DFW Door Hangers appears to be running a "cash" business where business checks are not deposited. Beware doing business with Mike Hill and DFW Door Hangers.

Company: DFW Door Hangers
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Arlington
Address: 1975 Ballpark Way
Phone: 8176427339
Site: dfwdoorhangers.com
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MFG Marketing
They don't deliver your door hangers, they TAKE your money!

Patriot Flyers
Did not deliver door hanger at all

Advertise Unlimited
Derrious Costen Stole Our Money, Took Money for Services They DID NOT DELIVER

Lady Printing
They Rip You Off, Lie about product and are extremely rude! Internet

Harassed my young children and vandalized my door because my payment was one day late. Rip-off!

Cowtown Door Hangers
Harassment In Terrible Situation

Wonder Hanger
As seen on T.V. Orde

One Source Provider
Dean Elali & Rob Hill SCAM. Managed by Dean Elali & Rob Hill in

Lazy, overpriced and poor quality

Outdoor Advertising Company / TLT Productions, LLC / Robert Schwartz
Stay away from door hanger distribution services! Will Charge you for incomplete work. Will provide false links/documents of work completed