Tlc k9 academy
Complete waste of money! Hire them if you want poor communication and zero results!

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First of all, I did check the internet. I found this site and Bill Glaxtell told me that they were competitors and their associates trying to spread lies about his business. I felt that it was possible so I hired him based on his website. Hos website I especially liked the idea of the lifetime guarantee.

I want to state that I am a client of Bill's. I am not affiliated with any training organization. I paid bill $3995 to take my dog into his home for 6-8 weeks and to housebreak my dog, teach him not to be destructive in my home and not to jump on people. That was it. My Doberman pup is a high energy dog bred for working lines and protection. I have had several of these dogs in my life. I gave him to Bill at 6 months of age. I had to pursue them for updates. Bill's cell phone is constantly full— you cannot leave a message. You have to leave messages with an answering service and they call you back. I got 2 updates that I pursued or else I would ahve heard nothing. The updates were positive& They did say that the time that he was high energy and he was going to be a challenge, I already knew that though— that is why I hired a trainer. I paid top dollar instead of hiring a trainer for half the price.

After one month Bill calls me up and says that my dog had attacked him for no reason. He went on and on about how vicious and unsafe my 7 month old pup was. This was all of a sudden out of nowhere. It took him one month to come up with this diagnosis! He states that all he did was positive and GENTLE reinforcement on the dog. He says in his opinion my pup needs Prozac and needs to be castrated. He also writes to the breeder that I got him from and complaining about my dog. What is interesting is that I paid him to train my dog, not to give me a behavioral diagnosis. He told me that he had not worked my dog in 2 days! Why did he not call me immediately?

Needless to say I found this VERY hard to believe. I thought it over and the very next morning I decided I would get my dog back and get a 2nd opinion. I started calling and texting. It took him 4 hours to respond. He then started going on and on about how horrible my dog was again. I had to interrupt him and tell him that I understand, but that it was no longer his problem. I had to drive one hour north, he was 15 minutes late. He had another person with him that was smoking in the van. Obviously he is not concerned with animal's health. They had him strapped in like Hannibal Lecter. They would not release him to me without signing a waiver that states that in their opinion the dog is dangerous. The dog smelled like he had been living in a crate filled with urine and feces, he was extremely skinny, and he was VERY excited to get away from this person. There were suspicious marks on his neck and head.

The dog tried to sit on my lap the whole way home, he licked me constantly. I had to have him professionally groomed immediately. I took him to my vet and in my vet's opinion he is an energetic high energy 7 month old pup. He has been ariound many people and my children since and everyone loves him.

I personally feel that this company signs up as many clients as possible and gets overwhelmed at times. They probably do train some dogs, but the difficult ones obviously slow them down from making money so they find reasons not to properly train the dogs. Where is the guaranteed training? The website stated they are experts in all dogs, especially aggressive dogs. How can my 7 month old baby be too much for this expert to handle? He stated that he would not work this dog without a full bite suit and mask! I laughed. I have been around working dogs my whole life and my dog is not anything like he described. My breeder told me that he was in a Schutzund club with Bill Glaxtell in the Phoenix area and the supposed expert basically flunked out. He knows nothing about working dogs. He is probably great with Maltese and Chihuahuas though.

I paid this company $3995 for the training, they kept my food storage conatiner that I asked him to bring 3 times and he did not, plus I had to pay for a grooming appt.

I am out $4110.00 and I have nothing from this company except for a piece of paper saying my dog is dangerous. That is one very expensive piece of paper. I have not gotten an apology, I have not been offered a refund& not a discount—nothing. How can companies like this take advantage of people? How can they take our hard-earned money and not deliver on the service?

I would highly recommend not using this company. They are over-priced, unethical, rude, and they have the worst customer service that I have ever seen.

Company: Tlc k9 academy
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
Address: 22252 n 22nd place
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