Bil-Ray Aluminum Siding Corp of Queens, Inc
Bil-Ray Group Breach of Contract... Company was hired to renovate Bathrooms... Resulting in gutted bathrooms for 2 months, major delays, poor/shoddy workmanship, damage to home, installment of product not ordered

Shops, Products, Services

Breach of Contract...

Company was hired to renovate Bathrooms, resulting in gutted bathrooms for 2 months, major delays, poor/shoddy workmanship, damage to home, installment of product not ordered...

Company was given a second chance, with ample time, with a subsequently signed-by-both-parties agreement/adjustment to first contract, to redeem themselves, but failed again. They are now/still reneging on signed agreement/contract.

Company: Bil-Ray Aluminum Siding Corp of Queens, Inc
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Long Beach
Address: 214 West Park Ave
Phone: 5165435048
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Bil-Ray Aluminum Siding Corp of Queens, Inc
Consumer Report

Bil-Ray Aluminum Siding Corp. of Queens, Inc
Breach of Contract

Tom Doyle Construction
Houston Texas rip-off

Gayla Nakamura
I was swindled by Gayla. I paid her $22,973.44 for work that was done by uskilled workers

Housecalls Home Improvements
Ripoff dishonest fraudlent contracto

Ripoff contract issues, failure to provide pay breach of contract

Premier Bathrooms, Inc
Premier Bathrooms Fraud Operation Bilks The Eldery

Linn Plumbing
Poor Quality Work!

VW Touareg
Retail installment agreement

Blue Haven Pools
Failed to install a pool within contract parameters and poor workmanship, rfipoff