Richard B. Davis
Richard B. Davis Impersonating a Medical Doctor, Psychiatrist, Insurance Fraud, Animal Abuse, Mental Instability

Shops, Products, Services

Richard B. Davis, 57 years old, operating as West Dublin Foot beagles of Bucks County Pennsylvania is representing himself as single man and is stalking women on the internet, he will tell you stories of himself and where he went to school and where he practiced medicine. He will even give you medical advice and not think twice if he is endangering your health or possibly your life.

Ladies, please beware he is representing himself as a Doctor, when in fact he is on Federal disability based on his mental instability. He will tell you about all the long days, 13- 14 hour days that he put in practicing medicine, offering psychiatric advise to innocent bystanders who get wrapped up into his web of lies.

As an innocent bystander I must warn further women not to get involved with this man, one of my closest dear friends ended up in the hospital not once, but three times with mental breakdowns due to drugging and improper advice from "DR. Richard B. Davis".

Company: Richard B. Davis
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Langhorne
Address: 522 Ashton Cir
Phone: 2159329670
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West Dublin Beagles, Rick Davis
Richard B. Davis, Rick Davis, West Dublin Beagles, Mary Oconnell Theft by Deception, Scam Artist, Con Man, Convicted Criminal

Richard B. Davis
Rick Davis, West Dublin Beagles, Rick and Debbie Davis Rick Davis, Impersonating a Doctor, Mentally Instable, Married to Debbie Davis, West Dublin Beagles, National Beagle Club of America

Richard B. Davis
Dba West Dublin Beagles Richard B. Davis Additional Victim

Advantage Claims Recovery Group
Pam Davis, Richard Davis, Richard Davis, Jr. I was an employee of Pam and Richard Davis and they are scum

Advantage Claims Recovery Group
Pamela Bush Davis - Richard Davis I worked for Pam Davis and Richard Davis and I can verify what the doctors have been saying-they are crooks

Richard B. Davis
Dont trust this guy

Advantage Claims Recovery Group
Pamela and Richard Davis Doctors and Clinics Nationwide are reporting Pam and Richard Davis for their crimes

Advantage Claims Recovery Group
Richard and Pam Davis Pam Davis is filing fraudulent mail forwarding forms, signing doctors' names to them and are diverting the doctor's mail to themselves

Advantage Claims Recovery Group
Richard and Pam Davis Advantage Claims Recovery Group owned by a Nigerian-rooted couple. Pam and Richard Davis embezzled more than$75,000 from our clinic
RICHARD DAVIS (SO HE SAYS) I agree now with the other person that posted a report on this company. I saw a charge on my debit card with the name NAFSKO and now I see that this guy Richard Davis is a fake. I hope yall find him