Bernard Haldane and Associates
1st Interview with... A Joke! Far better things to do with $5,000!

Shops, Products, Services

After reading through these reports, I have come to conclude that my first impression of this organization was spot-on accurate. It works like this: Once they receive your resume, they immediately call you back, stating that they need to meet with you very quicky (you see you are a "chosen" one... They only take a small percentage you know).

Once you go in, you are greeted by an individual who uses pressure tactics to try and persuade you into falling into their trap. Making statements like "we don't feel there are fewer jobs in this economy", or "your resume does need some work (they didn't even have my resume in hand)".

They then try and pressure you into believing you need help with your negotiating skills, you eye contact, etc., etc., etc. All of this is pushed across to you in a condescending manner to make you feel inferior to the interviewer.

I myself was not intimidated, but rather got a chuckle out of it and played right along with him. It is all a game, and I played him just like he played me. They would not come clean on what the service would cost. They would not give me the names of any satisfied customers. They pressured me (at least he thought he did) into a "Saturday" meeting, which I promptly cancelled when I got into my car.

I'm a degreed Mechanical Engineer who also happens to have an MBA. I know BS when I see and hear it! From what I experienced, I would have to say that this service, while very legal (that is the saddest part), is more than likely just a scam.

Do the math, a few grand from several hundred people a year (per office) adds up real fast. I am not saying it IS a scam, but I would advise anybody who is considering it to be VERY cautious.

I have far better things to do with $5,000! If these people were serious about me as a client they would have had my resume ready for discussion, they would have leveled with me on the fees (over the phone when I had asked!!!), they would not have pressured me, etc., etc., etc.!

Company: Bernard Haldane and Associates
Country: USA
State: Kentucky
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