ABCO Transportation, Inc
Dot# 541257 big ripoff

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I used to work for Spirit Express Trucking Co which has now been taken over and combined with ABCO Transportation in Dade City, FL. Spirit Express was a GREAT company to work for but has now been destroyed by ABCO. I just want to warn any drivers who may be considering employment with ABCO.

I went to work there about two months ago and just left today (after 3.5 yrs with Spirit Express). They have continually failed to pay me or paid only portions of what they owed me. They do not allow drivers to speak directly with anyone in payroll so trying to straighten out all the mistakes they make are very difficult. On several of my paydays the just failed to pay anything at all... I mean nothing.

Here is a copy of an email I sent to them a few weeks before leaving:


Now that I finally have found a way to contact someone in our payroll department, I have a few questions and comments. Considering the inconvenience and hardship this situation has been I feel that I am entitled to a few answers. First, after the "speakerphone" conversation today between you, Bill Williamson and myself, I am confused over how this could have been such a surprise to you? I believe there have been about six paydays that have passed since I came back to work here. Out of those six, today made only the second time you have paid me. Neither of which have been even close to accurate payments. Each payday that I failed to receive any pay, you have been contacted by someone. The first time by Sam in Dade City. All the rest of the times by Kathi Decker and/or Phil Cross in Denver. As far as I can tell there has been little or no effort on your part to correct your mistakes. How can you completely fail to pay a driver on four different (and almost consecutive) occasions and not see that something is wrong? How is it that you can be contacted every week for six weeks about a mounting payroll problem and not only do nothing to fix it but also just keep letting the problem grow bigger and bigger each week? I was NOT told this by Phil or Kathi but it doesn't look like to me that you have been helpful or cooperative with their efforts either. Personally, I believe a large part of the problem comes from practically forbidding drivers to contact you themselves. I really thought we might make some progress after our conversation today. If you remember, I was asked to call back in 45 mins. I never got anyone except someone named George who kept transferring my call. I left a message but was not called back. I give 100% to this job and deserve better than this. As I told you earlier today, I believe I am owed in excess of $2000.00 as of today. I spent much of my down time today researching my options. I also paid and talked with an attorney today. Yes, it was only an internet attorney (because I am out on the road right now) but it wasn't cheap so I believe there was some accuracy in his information and advice. Here is a quote from the conversation: " Wage issues are fairly simple issues under the Fair Labor Standards Act. The law says you have to be paid for all of your work on your pay day. If the employer fails to pay you, then there are two options: 1) Sue the employer for wages due in violation of the FLSA and seek the wages due plus an amount equal to that in liquidated damages or 2) File a wage claim with the US Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division or State Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division (in this case in FL because that is where the company is based) and they will pursue your wages and damages and will fine the company for not properly paying wages." When I was not paid last week and Phil was nice enough to try and figure out what my check should have been, I made it clear that I could not go any longer like this and this Friday, August 19, would be as long as I could wait for this to be resolved. I have already received my pay settlement sheet and direct deposit which is still incorrect by large amounts. If this Friday passes without this being corrected, I will make every effort to be in Florida Monday morning to begin the process of taking ABCO to court. It should never have gotten this far but now that it has... Enough is enough. You are about to lose a driver. If you feel that I am judging you or the situation unfairly, please feel free to contact me.

I still recieved no reply from them. I later called and called until I finally talked with someone who seemed to only be amused at the sitution. I believe I received less than $200 of what was owed. They just did not care...

Stay away from this company!

Company: ABCO Transportation, Inc
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Dade City
Address: 20537 US HWY 301
Phone: 8006644410
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