Peter Lotterhos Verbal and physical abuse

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Im the last person that would ever file a claim like this... However, want to warn women of the extreme danger that is Peter Lotterhos... LET Training. He claims to be an empowerment trainer, life coach, business professional. Not the case... He is actually a verbal and physical abuser. I fell victim to his so called empowerment training... Self help. I have also been witness to his unprofessionalism with clients as he speaks openly about them, and how up they are. He uses his insight on your programming to be-little, beat you down and physically abuse you. He turns this into your progamming, what you source and takes no responsiblity for his own actions. He is a hipocrit that will portake in exactly what he claims as your biggest weaknesses, is a sex addict that has no respect for anything but himself and turns it all around with his brainwashing voodoo to the point you almost for a second believe you created it or deserve it. Peter physically abused me by punching me in the face, texts the next morning. He's sorry, and almost for a second maked me believe that I was the one who should be sorry. Peter basically finds down on their luck women to support and pay for his business ventures. He has created a system where everyone works for him for free to be belittled and used for the benefit or their transformation... His gain. He claims to be raised by two therapist as his credentials but secretly despises and hates them. Peter capatilizis on the weak and if your a woman... Regarless of age, size, looks or standards will treat you just like a warm piece of apple pie. If you have a pulse with a checkbook your game... Warning... Don't be fooled he is a womainzer, phsyical abuser and con artist. I have choosen to post this warning inlue of going to the police for the domestic violence he himself has sourced... Don't need the drama... Don't need the publicity... And warn all of you that you are really better than he will try to tell you are. Transformation is a real thing that we should all seek. That I encourage all of us to find. If you choose to have Peter lotterhos lead you in finding this its kind of like... The cop who abuses his wife, or the preist who fornicates with little boys... Or the Clintons of the world... Self proclaimed... Do what I say, not what I do.

Company: Lettraining.com
Country: USA
State: Washington
City: Yelm
Address: yelm WA
Phone: 3104151148
Site: lettraining.com
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