Val j
Val Joyce took my money and my daughter has never seen her wedding pictures from almost three year ago!

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I hired Val Joyce almost three years ago to shoot my daughter's wedding. We still have never even seen these pictures! Even worse she suggested my daughter register with her as one of her wedding gifts. Many guests thought this was a great idea and gave Val Joyce money towards my daughter's album. Val Joyce has literally stolen my daughter's wedding gifts totaling somewhere between $1500-1800.00 on top of the $1000.00 we payed her to be there. We recently won a judgement in small claims court where she neglected to show up to twice! The judge was discusted!!! One of the first things out of his mouth was that my daughter should pursue going after her criminally! He awarded her $7500.00 which we are now going to try to collect on. However, that is letting her off too easy! We need to collectively band together and go after her criminally! She lives very close by us and I see her all the time around town, even shooting pictures at volleyball games. She wrote my daughter a long letter before the second court date stating many excuses and had the nerve to beg for understanding and patience. We gave her plenty of patience and time for two years then I finally decided to write her a certified letter of which was beyond civil and asked her to work together to get things resolved! She never bothered to reply. We called many times to no answer! It was not until the day before the second court date that she even dropped off this lame excuse of a letter. Money is not going to bring back this special day for my daughter! A day that almost had to be postponed because she has an illness that makes her very ill at times, an illness that almost prevented her from being able to walk herself down the aisle.By the grace of God and some medicines she made it, making it a very emotional and special day! One so special that we wanted it documented by pictures. We want our pictures! And we are not going to stop until we get them! Val Joyce is an awful awful person!

Company: Val j
Country: USA
State: California
City: Valencia
Address: 27262 Ashfield Place
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