Proud American Moving
American Movers Group/DBA Atlas Movers LLC FRAUD American Moving

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This company is the biggest scam ever!!! I cant emphasize this enough, RUN the other way, and FAST! I was contacted by this company for my move from Indiana, to Florida. I went back and fourth with different companies, but after doing a lot of research, I decided to go with proud American moving.
They scheduled my move for Saturday between 12-2, and I payed a deposit of 315.00$ The movers didn't show up between the time they were supposed to show, I finally got a call at 3:44 saying that they will be at my home between 6-7 and that they would call a half hour before they were on their way. I ended up calling them back at 6:44 and he said it would be more like 8pm, They showed up at almost 9.
They got to my home, and the gentleman Johnathon who was in charge, looked at our stuff and said we didn't have 5,000lbs we had more like 10,000 and our price would go from 2,100$ to the 4679.34$ I agreed with this because we I knew we had more things then what I had told them, so I was ok with the price increase.
Packing materials were supposed to be included with my move, but were not & I was charged 169.00 for them. They got our stuff packed onto the 28ft truck which was supposed to be a semi, that was also supposed to go straight from our home in Indiana to Florida, but I was informed that my things would be getting offloaded to a warehouse somewhere in Chicago, and then reloaded onto a semi and brought to my home within 7-10 days. We also had to pay the gentleman 2709.34 for the pickup of our belongings, and we also gave them a 300.00 tip.
10 days would have been August 4th. I hadn't heard anything from the moving company so I decided to call them. No one answered so I left a message. A girl named Leah called and said that it was still at the warehouse, and she didn't know when it would be on its way, but she would try to find something out and let me know. I never heard back from her so I called back a few days later I believe it was the following Monday.
I spoke to Leah once again, and proceeded to tell her that I am in a brand new EMPTY home, and would like to know something, anything. She said "well legally we have 21 days to deliver your things". I said I understand that but i would like any kind of information as to when a possibility of my things would be delivered. Leah then told me I cant give you an exact date, "I can only give an estimate, and I would say no later then Thursday, (the 11th of Aug) and they should be in route". She proceeded to tell me she would call me towards the middle of the week after she talked to dispatch.
Friday rolled around, and I had not heard from them so I called back, low and behold the company is ignoring my phone calls, and emails! I left a bad review on, and received a couple private emails from other people who are in the same boat as me, but have been without their things for longer then I have. (months more) I have also filed a complaint with the Attorney general in Florida, and Texas. I also decided to file a complaint with the BBB, and their named was flagged as being out of business, to contact a lawyer regarding any undisputed issues.
Becuase of this i decided to look up their DOT# again (I had done this previous to setting up the move, and they were legit) on the department of transportation website, and it says this carrier is out of service. Ive also googled all the addresses and phone numbers to the three different names (Proud American Moving Network, American Movers Group and Atlas Movers LLC) of the company, and the are listed as UPS stores on google maps.
I also contacted the sheriff's department, and was told that I need to take them to small claims court because they cant charge them with theft since we had an agreement. How is my whole home which some stuff that was in there, that is irreplaceable such as my cremated son, and other things a small claim? This is theft to the fullest extent, and I would like something to be done in this matter! I have also contacted a group called move rescue ( to help in the assist of getting my things back.
All and All there is so much going on with these three companies, and nothing matches up! Ive called a number that I found on Dept Of Trans. Website (786-416-3617) that lead back to Florida (Miami) to a gentleman named Noa, Jullian. Thought this was weird until I had another woman who is going through the same thing as me, tell me that she believes that Proud American is running a scam under another company out of Miami called East Movers!
In somehow or someway all the loose ends that we have discovered trying to get our things back are all coming together, IT IS A HUGE SCAM. They take your money, and your things, and leave you hanging! I am sickened, disgusted, and stressed by what this company is putting me, and my family through!
I feel like I have exhausted every resource that I have, and I really cant get any help, and Its BS if you ask me! Please save yourself and do not use any of the companies that I have named!

Company: Proud American Moving
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Dallas
Address: 1331 Regal Row Ste 100
Phone: 180065012146
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Proud American, etc
American moving group, equivan, northern american, atlas, east... An ongoing nightmare with this company who goes by different names and is illegal!

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