Martin Logistics Inc
Government transportation specialist fired for for without warning

Shops, Products, Services

I came into this company and worked and worked, then the issues came, but still i continued to work, as did all the other employees, we got calls from carriers that no one was getting paid, we had to handle calls and lie to people saying the check was in the mail or the accounting girl was out, which she was because she was he owners daughter and they only worked 3 hrs a day and we were left to handle the mess. We all the 5 months i was there 8 people were let go that had anyhing to do with their finances. Bt as long as you were their buddy kept your mouth zipped you seemed to be good. Recently they switched names so they didnt have to pay the other carriers, but it didnt seem to work and the hole got bigger for them. We were not moving anything. Myself an 2 co workers played 2 games on our computer, i played 2 and stopped, then went on vacation for 2 weeks. When i came back they fired me without warning, while i was getting fired, literally, the other 2 were downstairs playing the game, one of the recent hired who was an old friend of the owner, had a debt collector come right in the her desk and try and take her car, and made a huge scene, she cussed. I took it like a champ due to the fact i knew this company was going to go down anyways and had been putting out my resume since before i was going on vacation. I told the HR lady she had no idea and she had bigger problems to deal with, such as the nonprofessional actions with the debt collectors and the special treatment people got if they were buddies with the right people which i called discrimination. She didnt like that. I will file for un employment just like the others did just to add to the list like the other employees did, whether i get it or not, the state has to see something is wrong with this company.

Company: Martin Logistics Inc
Country: USA
State: Ohio
Phone: 3304568000
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