Jon W Norheim
Acorn, Jared Shafer, Chuck Hoskin Jon Norheim Clark County discovery Commissioner confesses he is part of the mo

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Jon W. Norheim, Clark County Commissioner confesses he is part of the mob. My Aunt Margret is dead. She died of dehydration in an assisted care facility assigned to her by Jon Norheim. This report will explain how this brutal death crime occurred. Aunt Margrets husband died in 2006. Our family lived in Washington where my Aunt was born and lived until she was 70. Margret and her husband moved to Las Vegas because they wanted to retire in the warm sun and pay low taxes. The move at the time appeared to be just the right thing for them. The couple had 13 years of bliss. When my Uncle died Margret had a nervous breakdown. Her condition caused the assignment of Jared Shafer as her temporary guardian. Jon Norheim selected Jared Shafer to act in this capacity. We wanted to bring Margret home. The court caused us to obtain a medical evaluation. Two psychiatrists living in Seattle recommended Margret return to Washington to be with her family. Jared Shafer said I dont pay attention to out-of-state quacks. The old broad stays in Nevada where I can keep an eye on her.

In several hearings held in Jon Norheims court Shafers actions were ruled to be in my Aunts best interest. Jon Norheim pronounced this sentence of death with this cruel ruling. The attorney we hired to represent us couldnt believe anyone could handle a circus court proceeding in such a manner. We appealed to judge Chuck Hoskin, and as usual Jon Norheims ruling was rubber stamped.

I decided this cruel death would not end in the pig-pen Norheim calls his court. One evening while following Jon Norheim I witnessed a serious argument he had with what appeared to be a male companion. Jon Norheim appeared to be in tears as he begged the man not to move out of his life. The man said Jon I cant be your friend while you have these Acorn mob connections. You are aware of the federal investigation surrounding the Acorn group. The fact Acorn has started over 30,000 businesses in Nevada and these companies have been in default or dissolved is enough to raise a red flag. You have an indirect connection to this group on your Face book page. You know how Acorn stuffed ballot boxes, intimidated voters, and bribed local officials with off-the-books campaign contributions. You know Jared Shafer takes his orders from organized crime figures connected with this group. You told me Acorn fixed the ballot boxes so Harry Reid would win the election in 2010. When Shafer tells you to take money from a family, you just do it. Then you come and cry on my shoulder about how hard your life is because they make you do these horrible things. Jon Norheim whimpered and begged I have no place to go. Shafer and his Acorn gang will keep me from making a living. I wont be able to shine shoes after they are through with me. The man said Jon if you were any kind of a man you would report this to the authorities. You would tell them about the people who were dying, the large amounts of money, which has been taken, tell them about the people who were beat up for not following the party line, and how they make you report to Patience Bristol who you say is a low class prostitute. Jon Norheim cried out please dont leave me you are the only one who under stands me.

The man walked away and got into his pink Mercedes and drove away. I started to walk toward Jon Norheim. When he saw me he started to run. The injury to my hip suffered in Vietnam prevented me from pursuing him. I decided the best action was to leave Vegas and return to Port Angeles Washington.

Witnessing this event has convinced me Las Vegas family court is directly under the control of organized crime through the Acorn Community mob. Vulnerable old people are a primary source of revenue for Acorn who wants to completely change our way of life. This report will end as it began. My Aunt is dead, the cause of her death was dehydration.

Company: Jon W Norheim
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: 601 North Peccos Road
Phone: 7024556674
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