Consolidated Litigation Group
Hector Persuasive, very detialed, pushed for deadline on exchanging funds

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Received letter "Final Notice" for litigation Notification for potential plaintiff settlement for Mass Joinder Litigation Lawsuit Re: Fraudulent Mortgage Note, Multiple Claims of Fraud and Misrepresentation to seek to void your mortgage note to give your home free and clear and/or to be awarded relief and monetary damages.

Agent offered to review lender documents for any errors and illegal practices to foward to firm for litigation against lender. If everything looked good there would be a charge of $2,350 for Mortgage Compliance Review report fee to oversee for possible litigation within a couple of weeks. If no violations found I would be refunded 0 money back of all fees paid. If found, an additonal charge of $1,650 for process to pursue case. Is this to good to be true?

Company: Consolidated Litigation Group
Country: USA
State: California
City: Culver City
Address: 5855 Green Valley Circle Ste 209
Phone: 8774547501
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Consolidated Litigation Group
Mass Litigation Group, Kramer and Kaslow Mass Litigation Advisors Kramer and Kaslow is in on rippin off consumers and have teamed up with yet another name now Consolidated Litigation Group

Consolidated Litigation Group
Kramer & Kaslow Law Group, Mass Litigation Alliance, The Home Retention DivisionMass Joinder Litigation Law suit against Suntrust Mortgage through Consolidated Litigation Group

The Law Offices of Christopher J. Van Son DBA Consolidated Litigation Group
The Law Offices of Christopher J. Van Son, Consolidated Litigation Group Litigation Department SCAM artists claiming to reduce or eliminate your Mortgage by opening a Lawsuit against your bank

Consolidated Litigation Group
Law Offices of Christopher J. Van Son DBA SCAM?

Litigation Law Group
Legal Loan Review LITIGATION LAW GROUP, formerly known as Legal Loan Review, and Legal Loan Group SCAMMED me for $2995 for HAMP loan

Consolidated Litigation Group
"Consolidated Litigation Group, A Professional Law Firm, Appears to be another SCAM and they want money from you including documents

Home Litigation Help
Home loan litigation

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Quantum Law Firm - Mass Joinder - Pre-Litigation Fraud
Mass Joinder Ripoff

Litigation Law Group
Scam for mortgage reduction