Safe-tex research group
Mystery shopper consumer service evaluator part time income fully paid program

Shops, Products, Services

Check recieved in mail for 1,990.00 this is to inform you your intrest in in additional income on a part time basis you are selected to be a mystery shopper aka consumer service evaluator this research is fully paid program and would become permanent for a selected few who disthuish themselvesin the course of this program you are being paid 350.00 as your salaryfor this training assignment your first job is hands on training designed to equip you with knowledge to carry out your assignments

First survey assignment you will be evaluating any local western union outlet in your area as a way of rating their competence and good customer service relations by doing a funds transfer to area manager second survey assignment take 100.00 and go shopping at a retail store from a list as a bonus keep what you buy enclosed is a check for the sum of 1,990.00 below is a breakdown on how to spend the funds

My salary 350.00
survey funds to be transfered 1,445.00 125.00 send fees
funds needed for shopping 70.00
total 1,990.00
we appreciate your confidentiality and integrity as our secret shoppe

Company: Safe-tex research group
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New york
Address: 130 west 56th st
Phone: 12898924038
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