Christopher James Commander
Leslie Holder trainer, Fraud, Thief, abuse

Shops, Products, Services

I used to work at Grace Hill Farm with Leslie Holder, James Commander, Bailey Holder and Hailey holder. They are cheats and horse traders. They go to the sale barn, Pay $50-100 for a horse then turn around and sell it as kid broke ex lesson horses because they give them Reserpine and Serpasil. Then about 20 days after you buy them they go crazy because they can from the kill trailer. They also use kids that are taking lessons there and make videos of these horses that are suppose to be "kid Broke" what they do not tell you is these kids ahve been riding for 5-10 years and run in the 1D at big barrel races. James does not have any kids. I left after I got tired of witnessing people getting ripped off.

People would also pay for 30,60, 90 days training on there horses and they would only recieve about have of what they paid for. Thier horses would stand out in a pasture for most of the time. Also alot of abuse of horses and injurys went on out there. I personally witnessed a horse that "set back" be tied up short then spoked and whipped to make him set back till he actually got his leg caught in the stall door casing and CUT HIS HOOF OFF. THEY HAD TO SHOT HIM 3 TIMES RIGHT THERE IN THE BARN AND DRUG HIS BODY OUT IN TO THE WOODS WITH A TRACTOR.

Just Beware of who you atre buying from and what you are buying. Get a 30 day guarentee notice in writing.

Company: Christopher James Commander
Country: USA
State: Louisiana
City: Frierson
Address: Hwy 175
Phone: 3182107573
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